Before you judge others make sure that you’re perfect.

People are always quick to judge without knowing the reason behind. You always say to yourself that “I am different”, but why are you acting like everyone. You are pointing fingers at people you know nothing about. You are laughing at other people’s scars. Telling the whole world who’s wearing an original and who’s wearingContinue reading “Before you judge others make sure that you’re perfect.”

Don’t sell “yourself” for money. You worth more than that.

Thinking that success is only based on money is one of the main reasons why so many people live a very competitive worldly lifestyle. This often lead them to turn their backs on so many precious things in life in the name of chasing money. Nowadays it’s like this : NO 🙅‍♀️+ money 💴 💰Continue reading “Don’t sell “yourself” for money. You worth more than that.”

Let go of things that do not serve you.

No one has ever stopped a person from scoring an own goal. But it shocks everyone in the end. If they’re trying to stop you. If they’re fighting against you. If they’re whispering and hating it. Know that you’re tracking well. Note that you’re attacking and you’re about to score a lifetime goal. They hateContinue reading “Let go of things that do not serve you.”

Be grateful for everything you have.

If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance. Life is all about moving forward not backwards. So learn to count your blessings not your problems • You woke up. Someone didn’t. • You have abilities. Others have disabilities. • You do have clothes to wear. Some people are wearing the same torn clothesContinue reading “Be grateful for everything you have.”

Don’t assume, ask.

One of the worst things anybody can do is “assume” Rather than assuming, try a massive technique called “asking” —that’s the beginning of receiving. A – Always S – Seek K – knowledge Do not fear lack of knowledge, but fear false knowledge. ASSUMPTIONS. False knowledge is far worse than ignorance, especially when it’s usedContinue reading “Don’t assume, ask.”

Be you, before it’s too late.

We are here to formulate a bigger picture. Bigger picture — God’s plan. Pieces of the puzzle — us/we. Pieces of the puzzle cannot formulate the bigger picture if they’re all the same. We are completely different, but we fit together perfectly. We must fit in and do our part in order for the largerContinue reading “Be you, before it’s too late.”

Allow God to transform you.

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Don’t live the same day over and over again and call that a life. Life is about evolving mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. Never stop dreaming, never stop believing, never give up,Continue reading “Allow God to transform you.”

Be kind to people on your way up, you’ll need them on your way down.

  The only wisdom we can hope to acquire is the wisdom of humility and benevolence.   If you want others to respect you, you have to respect others first.   Yes! we say confidence is important, but you should know that ego is bad too. Humility and humbleness are ways of building your confidence.   Learn to be niceContinue reading “Be kind to people on your way up, you’ll need them on your way down.”