Always stay positive no matter what life throws at you.

A negative mind will never give you a positive life. Focus on all the positive and embrace it. Ignore the negative and be thankful for every single day. Be kind Love life Give back Be strong Be patient Be honest Eat healthy Be authentic Try your best Don’t give up Love yourself Think positive BeContinue reading “Always stay positive no matter what life throws at you.”

Choose to win. No matter how hard it is.

You are not born a winner; you are not born a loser. You are born a chooser. Remember in God’s eyes there’s no loss, it’s either you win or you learn. There’s always a room for growth. If you truly want to succeed in life, then you have to give it everything you’ve got. IContinue reading “Choose to win. No matter how hard it is.”

When your past calls, don’t answer; it has nothing new to say.

Sad reality is that most people nowadays with heartaches from their previous relationships are dating for help not for love. Or should I say for “corrections”. They spend a lot of time testing, correcting and comparing their new lovers with the previous ones, instead of letting things flow, putting real effort and enjoying the moment.Continue reading “When your past calls, don’t answer; it has nothing new to say.”

Face your challenges. Always have faith.

Prayer is the most powerful weapon against trials, most effective medicine against sickness and a human’s greatest power. In good or bad times, don’t forget to pray. There’s no success without a struggle. God wants us to be thick-skinned, and to be mentally and spiritually fit – He’s preparing us for success. “You have toContinue reading “Face your challenges. Always have faith.”

You should spread love not war.

Don’t destroy yourself by allowing negative people to add gibberish and debris to your character, reputation, and aspirations. Evil people will always find a way of pulling you to their evilness. They know how scared you are to sin. Do not allow them. You will regret every moment of your life. You will accumulate selfContinue reading “You should spread love not war.”

Chase purpose, not money.

To be honest everything that can bring money for you requires time because time is equal to money. Don’t chase after money and people, but chase your dreams, desires and passions. Dream big, chase that dream, set your goals, work hard, be persistent, be about the grind, stay positive, don’t lose focus and never quit.Continue reading “Chase purpose, not money.”