Be kind to people on your way up, you’ll need them on your way down.



The only wisdom we can hope to acquire is the wisdom of humility and benevolence.


If you want others to respect you, you have to respect others first.


Yes! we say confidence is important, but you should know that ego is bad too. Humility and humbleness are ways of building your confidence.


Learn to be nice to those you meet on the way up because you will meet them on the way down.


As much as you can see progress in your life that doesn’t mean you’re doing it for other people. You are doing it for yourself. 


You are in a competition with your own self. Stop thinking that everyone is your competitor. Also take a glance at what or who you’re stepping on, on your way to success because one day the tables will turn and you will need the same people you were stepping on. 


You need to give up pride and ego. We are all special in the eyes of God. Start treating people with respect no matter their race, gender, profession or colour etc. because in the end we all need each other. Put self-applauding in the ditch. 

The problem is pride, but the answer is humility. 

Have a tremendous day

Published by lorenzomotive

Lawrence Lukhozi is a young man from Durban KwaZulu Natal who believed in shaking the world in a gentle way. Most people know him as an ordinary man with an extraordinary message that is transforming lives. He wanted to see motivation everywhere and everyday. He stood up for those who cannot stand up for themselves and he spoke for those who can’t speak up for themselves. He’s a true leader who believes that everyone is important in their own way and that we all have God given talents to embrace. My great passion is bringing healing through motivation writings to people who have been through a traumatic/stressful/hard experience and people who really want to succeed in life. I help my clients, which include children, adults and families, to find great perceptions towards their lives. My message is simple “Believe in yourself” God gave you this life because you’re strong enough to live it. He believed in you first. Stop wishing you were someone else. Stop comparing yourself to others. You’re a complete being, an original not a copy. Don’t change the real you to be loved or accepted in fact be the real you. Real people and positive energy will get attracted to you. Be you.

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