A good woman.

A pretty face changes, nice body changes, but a good woman remains. A good woman will always be a good woman.

A good woman is hard to find and worth far more than gold. Grasp her with both hands because she’s a need.

A woman is like a tea bag – you can’t tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water.

Women never think twice before sacrificing their needs for the welfare of their family.

No man succeeds without a good woman behind him. Whether it’s a wife or mother, if it is both, he is twice blessed indeed.

A woman who always walks with God will always reach her destination.

May you Continue being virtuous. You are worthy even to those who are unaware.



Have a blessed day

Be a leader not a follower.

If you want to be successful in life, get out of your home town, crowd and your comfort zone.

Your success is determined by what you are willing to sacrifice for it.

It doesn’t matter if you’re walking alone on a long rough road, the crowd means nothing if you’re going for what you truly need.

The strongest ones in the world are those who stand most alone. It takes courage to stand or walk alone.

Chasing your dreams is always better than chasing people.

Trust me when I say success will bring back the people that left you, this time not as FRIENDS, but FANS.

Keep grinding, great things are coming.

Have a blessed day

You should spread love not war.

Don’t destroy yourself by allowing negative people to add gibberish and debris to your character, reputation, and aspirations.

Evil people will always find a way of pulling you to their evilness. They know how scared you are to sin. Do not allow them.

You will regret every moment of your life.

You will accumulate self pity, anger and resentment.

Rather look for positivity in every negativity. You don’t have to hurt someone that’s hurting you. Two wrongs don’t make a right.

Just do to others what you would love done to you too. Show them how God wants us to be.

He wants us to share love and kindness. You can’t chase darkness with darkness. You will need the light.

Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud, today.

Have a blessed day

You are the only limit.

You cannot push anyone up the ladder unless he/she is willing to climb.

Don’t do things because you’re forced. Do things because you have the interest and passion. I mean it should come from within.

I know sometimes motivation sounds ridiculous, but it is one of the most things that uplifts the spirit daily.

If it does not challenge you, it will not change you.

People often say that motivation does not last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.

Your only limit is you.

Have an alluring day

Be happy.

If you truly want to be genuinely happy :

Don’t listen to gossip,

Don’t compare yourself to others,

Ignore what people say about you,

Design your own life,

Look for the positivity in every situation,

Develop an attitude of gratitude,

Don’t assume or expect,

Smile more.

Believe in yourself. Choose to be happy, ignore those who try to discourage you.

Avoid negative sources, people, places, and habits.

You woke up. You do have clothes to wear. You have shelter. You have running water. You have food to eat. Life is good, it doesn’t have to be perfect. Some people are happy with less than what you have.

Happiness comes when we stop complaining about the troubles we have and offer thanks for all the troubles we don’t have.

Be thankful. Be happy.

Have a prosperous day

Chase purpose, not money.

To be honest everything that can bring money for you requires time because time is equal to money.

Don’t chase after money and people, but chase your dreams, desires and passions.

Dream big, chase that dream, set your goals, work hard, be persistent, be about the grind, stay positive, don’t lose focus and never quit.

Guess what? Once you’ve succeeded, then money and the people you didn’t chase will start chasing you. You’ll be having money and they’d still be chase it.

If you chase dreams, then eventually money will chase you. If you chase money, then dreams will chase you and you will never have peace with yourself because you’ll die thinking about who you would’ve been if you followed your dreams.

Success isn’t something given, it’s something earned. So go out there, work hard, and make your dreams come true!

Have a blessed day

Treat others how you want to be treated.


* let anyone tell you what you cannot do.

* let anyone define you by your past experiences.

* fall for what other people think.

If the next person think you’re inferior and they’re superior – while they don’t know what you know.🤐

Distance yourself from people who think their way of thinking is the only way.

Remember that God planted something in you too, something special. So please note that everything is within your power, and your power is within you.

No matter what your color, race or religion we are one nation, but different surnames. You don’t have a right to judge or look down on others.

No matter how educated, gifted, wealthy or superior you believe you are, how you treat people ultimately tells all.

Respect other people.

Have a blessed day

If you truly want that relationship to work then you need to give up that pride.

I always tell people that it’s okay to lose your pride with someone you love rather than to lose that someone you truly love with your useless pride

Did you know that everyone thinks you’re “ok” therefore they’re not helping you.

You’re losing opportunities everyday because people see you faking perfection and class. They’d like to work with you, but they’re assuming you’ve got it all figured out. Please lose your pride.

Most relationships fail because couples fight with “pride” more than work with love.

If you want your relationship to stay firm (with your partner or with anyone around you), then you’ve got to sacrifice your “pride”.

Apologize when you’re wrong. Never let your pride be bigger than your relationship because we all know that it can destroy a good relationship.

If you don’t sacrifice for what you need, then what you need will become a sacrifice.

Have a blessed day

Be patient, Great things are coming.

It is so frustrating when you take your favorite person to your favorite restaurant to buy your favorite meal and you have to keep on waiting long for your order to come. While other people are coming in and out with there’s before and after y’all.

We lack to think that It takes a little while if you’ve placed a special order. Patience counts. It won’t come fast and it won’t come easy, but it will be worth waiting for.

The longer you have to wait for something, the more you will appreciate it when it finally arrives.

I know currently quitting rings, but think about the reason you waited this long.

Be patient because the good things are coming. If you want to buy a car, then don’t correlate yourself with people with bicycles.

Whatever God has spoken over your life, it will be done. Don’t put pressure on yourself.

Patience is virtue.

Have a splendid week

The truth doesn’t cost you anything, but a lie could cost you everything.

Honesty is more than not lying. It is truth telling, truth speaking, truth living, and truth loving.

If you tell the truth, then you don’t have to remember what you said. Basically it saves everyone’s time.

Be honest with yourself, others, and God at all times.

Don’t worry about being perfect, just be honest.

Being honest means choosing not to lie, steal, cheat, or deceive in any way.

When you are honest, you build strength of character that will allow you to be of great service to God and others.

Be honest with yourself and surroundings. You will be blessed with peace of mind, self-respect and prosperity.

Always tell the truth or the universe will do it for you. The truth reveals itself, in its own time.

Have a great weekend